Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"The Ugly Truth"

Okay so this blog is inspired by a movie I watched the other night.. cute movie and it pretty much backs what my great grandmother has told me growing up! Men want two totally different things in a woman just like day & night. Dont get me wrong I know some WOMEN are the SAME way! According to the movie "The Ugly Truth" there are certain rules that women should follow to be the woman a man wants.

Rule #1 NEVER criticize (he admits men are incapable of growth, change, or progress For men, self-improvement ends at toilet training.)
Rule #2 Laugh at whatever he says even if it isnt funny! Fake it if you must. A fake laugh is like a fake orgasm. A fake orgasm is better than no orgasm at all.
Rule #3 You have to change your look. Men are very visual.  Length of your dress is very important. We need short enough to see some thigh, but not so short to see your well you know. Jeans are all about the curvature of the rear.
Rule #4 Dont talk about your problems, Men dont really listen or care. Some men pretend to care.
Rule #5 Men like hair longer because they need something to grab onto other than your butt.

You have to be two people: the saint and the sinner. The librarian and the stripper. On the one hand, you have to push the guy away with a cold indifference… on the other, you have to be a sexually teasing tornado.

A Lady By Day!!

And a Sex Kitten by Night!

Knight in Shining Armour

The last part I agree with. My great grandmother always told me that to keep your man happy (im rephrasing this of course into a version we younger generation use) You gotta be a lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets. He wants to be able to take you home to mama and know that she will approve but when mama aint around he wants you to do things that would make his mama blush. I do believe that a man wants a woman who does her daily duties, whether she is a home maker or a worker, cook him dinner and speak in an eloquent manner. But at Night he wants you to let all of your inhibitions go and just be in the moment. I dunno I may be the same way.. I want my man to be a knight in shining armour during the day and the bad boy at night. I think that other than that we are all looking for the same thing. Honesty, faithfulness, happiness, comfort, humor, stability and things like that! I do believe that all in all both sexes want the same thing. Someone to have a serious relationship with during the day and someone to play with at night. Its hard to switch gears from one to the other but ya know Ive learned that sometimes even when your tired and dont feel like it you gotta make sure the other person is taken care of. Its hard to let the stresses of the day go and focus on what is right in front of your face. So men and women be that "lady" or "knight in shining armour" during the day but at night let it all go! =D Keep em happy!

Christmas is Coming!

Okay so I have to explain why Im kind of BAH HUMBUG about Christmas... I never remember Christmas being a HUGE deal growing up. My mom would ALWAYS remind me what Christmas was REALLY about. It wasnt about the decorations, the gifts, food, and shopping, it was to celebrate the birth of Christ. Also 75% of the time my parents had to work on Christmas so we either opened gifts Christmas Eve or Christmas night. I do remember a couple of Christmases before my mother and father divorced. Once was in the apartment we lived in California my brother and I woke up and went downstairs and seen all the presents! Ahh Back when I really thought there was a Santa Clause! Another Christmas I remember back then was when we gave my dad his puppy Sugar Baby! She was sooo tiny she could fit inside his shoe!! Our dog we had before her had been hit by a car and my dad found her on his way to work (NOT A GOOD DAY) so my mom got him another cute lil puppy! It was a sweet moment back then. And it was also hard to have a HUGE family gatherins as we were always living so far from extended family so it was ususally just the 4 of us. And as far as decorations we had a tree.. thats about it lol. =D BigPapas family were ALWAYS big on Christmas. They go ALL out. Decorating the outside of the house and the inside and do family things alot! Most of his family lives here in Augusta with a couple of exceptions. They even had a kind of schedule. Christmas morning open presents at his parents, go next door to grammas and open gifts then go home and get ready for dinner then to end the day have dinner and help clean. VOILA Every year THAT was how they did things.

Anyways thats then and this is now. When BigPapa and I got together I was ALWAYS included in Christmas events with his family. It was a nice breath of fresh air but I always went back to what my mom taught me. Well over the years BigPapa has gotten me to let go a little and do a little above and beyond the "norm" and I began to decorate a little more than just having a tree. BigPapa has been my Christmas "spirit" since we got together. His parents bought us a tree to put up when the first Christmas we lived together. Well since we got together and have children their "schedule" had to change. Trust me it wasnt easy. Empty Nest set in with his mom, waking up Christmas mornin and your babies arent there as they used to be. So James told her he has a family and we are gonna do things his way! LoL! OOOKAY! Basically the same schedule now except presents are at his parents house AFTER dinner and Christmas morning with our kids is at OUR house, naturally. Its been a couple years of this schedule and everyones pretty used to it now! =D It was so cute one Christmas BigPapa got up REALLY early in the morning and (with his dad in on it) went to his parents house and woke his mama up! She was tickled to death (yeah she cried, hes so sweet)!!

Well this year is going to be WAAAY different for ALL of us. If youve been reading my blog you know that BigPapa is in Afghanistan this year. Ive been having the hardest time getting into the Christmas spirit. And I am not shy to admit it. Ive been really BLAH about Christmas this year. Others in his family are definitly having a hard time getting into the spirit and thats understandable. There were certain things BigPapa did for others and now they are having to figure out how to get it done without BigPapa being here. BigPapa ususally put the lights on his parents and grandparents house, his dad has bad hips and his Pop has earned the right to make BigPapa do them, not to mention neither of them have any business on a roof anyways! I REALLY didnt wanna even put up a tree as I have mentioned in the blogs before but I did and I said that was it.. well today I decided to put up the rest of my Christmas stuff in my house! Nothing big and everything is nice and neat! Hopefully it will HELP get me into the spirit. We shall see. This Christmas is definitly going to be difficult but ya know its almost here and has gotten here so fast! It will be over before we know it and he will be home soon!

I complain about him not being here and its so selfish... Hes in Afghanistan with no family. I mean besides the guys in the unit but its not the same really. Hes not going to be here when his babies wake up on Christmas morning and thats hard for him... I know it is. Just a little piece of advice please try not to ask me what I want for Christmas when you already know, and if you happen to ask please understand if I tear up and give me a moment to bring my thoughts back from Afghanistan. Theres only one thing in the whole world I would love under my tree right now and thats my husband, but he has a job to do. Protecting our freedom so that families can continue their traditions. YES of course we are going to miss each other alot this Christmas but Its put our lives together in a whole different light. Nothing is better than the love and life that we share. And THAT my friends has been the greatest gift I have EVER recieved from anyone. God has blessed me with the most amazing husband and father for my children.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Okay please bear with me as it has been a while since I have written anything besides letters to my husband and the blogs I write in here so please excuse my scatterbrained tendencies.. but I was sitting here and a thought came to me as I was looking at the rose for my facebook profile picture and I began to pen a poem or well whatever. It doesnt really fit as a poem so Im not sure what you would call it. So heres the picture and the thing I wrote after it!

Wilted Without You

My life is a rose in this colorful garden on earth.
Thorny and jagged along the path to the end,
but beautiful, soft, and full of color at the bloom.
Far away practically free from imperfections.
But as you lean into smell the sweet aroma
take a closer look at my bright appealing petals  
Notice that I am far from perfect.
I am tattered and dicolored around the edges
Dark spots appear on the soft velvet exterior
I have begun to break down and wilt.
My Life isnt as beautiful as it once was.
Something has gone missing from my environment.
Something I need to go on, a main nutrient in my life
The apparent beauty of my life has begun to fade
just as a rose would begin to wilt.
Without YOU to give me strength and nourishment
eventually I will begin to fade, my imperfections shown.
As I begin to give up, darkness begins to surround me
and my petals have wilted an fallen away
My core becomes bare and my soul is revealed
You will see that without you my life is empty
No beauty, no softness, nothing to help me grow
You are my nourishment in this life ive grown into
My life is just as the rose it needs nourishment
It needs YOU.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Okay Im gonna start off with some facts about Florida (since hopefully by the end of next year I will be a proud GA fan living in Florida)!

  • The first suntan cream was made in Miama Beach, Florida, in 1944, by pharmacist Benjamin Green. Ummm yeah and its like NEVER used in Miami!! LOL 

  • Florida is the fourth most populous state in the United States of America. (Consisting of 90 % people over the age of 50 jkin but it seems like it trust me)

  • Florida is the only state that has 2 rivers both with the same name, Withlacoochee. One is in north central Florida (Madison County) and the other is in central Florida. (Been there, Done that)

  • Orange blossom is the state flower of Florida and the Mockingbird is its state bird.

  • Clearwater claims to have 361 days of sunshine each year!! (Sun was shinin when we went!!)

  • Florida has 1,100 miles of beach!!

  • Now onto the DUMB laws in Florida!

  • It is illegal to sell your children in Florida (DARNIT!)

  • If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle

  • When having sex, only the missionary position is legal. (DENIED)

  • You may not kiss your wife’s breasts. (James may have a SMALL problem with that one)

  • Oral sex is illegal. (And that one too hehe)

  • It is considered an offense to shower naked.

  • You may not fart in a public place after 6 P.

  • Men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.

  • With those being said.... Im wondering how my brother still WORKS at a prison and isnt IN prison!! HAHA!! Just kidding... But ya know with all that the GREATEST thing Florida has right now is My brother and sister in law!! I had the greatest week with them and I miss them so much already! Cant wait to see them again! Had a nice big dinner tonight. My mom and stepdad, and my inlaws, including sister in law this time, my sister  and her hubby ! We had fried pork chops, green beans, corn and mashed potatoes. After dinner was done everyone helped in putting up the Christmas tree... BigPapa asked if ANYTHING I make sure I put the tree up and well I did! So pffft... I still havent decided if I wanted to decorate any more than that.. I will figure it out! Anyways! All in all it was a good day! Got to talk to James and a couple other people (but thats a story for another day). Hope everyone had a GREAT Thanksgiving and days off.. tomorrow its back to the regular scheduled programming!

    Friday, November 26, 2010

    I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart!

    This Thanksgiving I have so much to be grateful for! Things I seem to often to take for granted. This Thanksgiving I spent with my brother and sister in Florida. The weather has been amazing. Its like spring time in fall. We started off the day getting everything ready. My sister took Babygirl to the store to get a brown paper bag (which I will explain about later) and Broski and I with Bubba and Buttercup went for a walk around his neighborhood. Broski (other than my husband) is my BEST friend in the whole world. Mind you when we were younger we couldnt stand each other, sibling rivalry I guess.. but nowadays I dont see how I could live my life happily without my brother a part of it. Anyways! We were on our walk and thats where I captured the sweetest moment on my cell phone! LOL! It was soooooo cute!! Im so Thankful for my brother to be a part of my childrens life. He loves them so much, and they love him too!

     Ahhh ok now to the brown bag deal. My brother was trying to find another way to cook a turkey since we couldnt deep fry one this year! So he was looking around online and seen you can bake your turkey in a brown grocery bag instead of the plastic bag. Something about when you bake it in the roasting bag it steams it but if you put it in the brown paper bag it actually BAKES the turkey! Anyways! We were a little hesitant when he put it in the oven when the apartment started smelling like matches! LOL! We really were hoping we werent gonna burn the apartment down. Buuut we didnt and the Turkey turned out AMAZING!! It was yummy!! VERY VERY close second to a deep fried turkey!

    So not only was the Turkey was amazing the rest of the food was great too. We had a nice little spread for 3 adults and 3 kiddos! Turkey, Ham, Hashbrown casserole, green bean casserole, stuffing and rolls!!! YUMMY!! Needless to say I was totally stuffed last night!

    So far its been a GREAT week with my brother and sister! I was so glad to spend Thanksgiving with them this year. After dinner we all took a walk and let Sassy (their fur baby) play with Bailey (their neighbors fur baby)! Came back to the apartment, gave the kiddos a bath and ended the night with a pretty good movie! With Love From Paris. All in All Ive had a GREAT Thanksgiving. I would have loved to have my husband here but on the other hand Im just thankful he is safe wherever he is. I got to talk to him and most people dont get to talk to their spouses as often as I do mine! We missed our mama too but she had to work!! Gotta make that $$$! =D  Im also doing something different on my blog. In the right margin you will see a day and something I am Thankful for. I have decided to do a daily what Im thankful for and kind of a countdown to the day I am MOST thankful for. The day Christ was born (Christmas). It starts off at day 30 because well there are 30 days includnig today till Christmas (Man I need to get to shoppin lol). Well I hope everyone has had a wonderful thanksgiving like I have. I am truly blessed to have EVERYTHING I do.
    I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. —Psalm 9:1

    Tuesday, November 23, 2010

    You Make Me Smile!!

    So I woke up the morning of the 13th and checked my facebook looking for a message from my hubby as I always do. He doesnt like to wake me in the middle of the night so he leaves me messages on fb to wake up to. Well this is what I woke up to "If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine... Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you you are my everything" WHAT?!?! OMIGOSH!! So I was ALREADY smiling sooooo big when I got outta bed!! Hehe! I did my normal ritual got the kids up, breakfast, coffee and I had just sat down in BigPapa chair to relax with my sister before we went to the fair and I got a knock on the door. Ok so if you dont already know a knock on the door for a military wife is like a stab to the heart. The uncertainty of who may be knocking on the door. I know I had heard from BigPapa not even hours before so I KNEW he was ok. Well I looked at her and she looked at me and without saying anything I looked at her if she was expecting anyone and she did the same back and we both said no.. ok started to get a lil more nervous. My inlaws NEVER stop by without calling and I KNEW my parents WERE NOT coming over. So I walk to the door and open it and there is a man standing there with a HUGE boquet of flowers.. My heart fell to the floor and I start crying. I asked if he knew who they were from and he said no he just delivers them and I started to cry a lil more and he said can you just sign the paper. So I signed got my flowers and went inside crying. All I could think about was what a jerk!! Thousands of miles away and he still knows how to get me. He said he FELT I was having a rough couple of days and thought I needed some reminding of what an amazing woman I am and to keep being strong (least thats what the card said). So I put the flowers down looking at the smiling & crying. She started crying. What an AMAZING husband I have.. thousands of miles away he still makes me feel like I am THE one for him.. I love him so much!! 5 more months till I can touch his face.. 6 or 7 months (still not 100% sure yet) till he is home with me for good!!! I know Im not the only woman in the world with an amazing man but ya know what hes MY man!! And thats what makes it so amazing for me!!

    Its been a while!!!

    Well its been a while since I have written a blog.. Lots has gone on since my last.. First we had a Halloween Festival at the Batesburg Armory for the unit. It was fun! I went with my newest amazing friend Bal!! Gosh I love that woman.. We keep each other sane!! Haha! Then we had Halloween. Kids made out like fat rats that night. Got sooo much candy. Babygirl was Cinderella, Bubba was his daddy aka a soldier and Buttercup was a little green M&M! OH HOW I LOVED THEM!! THEY LOOKED SOOOOOO CUTE!! I had such a blast!! Funnest Halloween thus far!!!

    Well one morning while we were waiting on Babygirls school bus I decided I was gonna get some cute pics of the younger two running around playin in the front yard. Amy Berard made the cuuuuutest hats for them and I just couldnt help snapping some pics of them!!! They are sooo beautiful. And the hats are super cute too!! He He Children grow up too fast.. I remember Bubba when he was Buttercups age. Its crazy how time seems to fly by sometimes. The pic of Babygirl is from Halloween but she looked so gorgeous and shes my lil camera hog so I had to post that picture of her.

    Well then came one of the busiest days of the month. Buttercups first birthday. Her actual birthday was at the beginning of October but so much had gone on that month I decided to wait till November to have it. I was actually NOT gonna have a party for her at all but DADDY commanded that his babygirl get a first birthday party.. sigh sooooo as directed I had a birthday party for her. And what a fun day it was.. I didnt stress much, probably because my fav. sister in law was there to help me clean and prepare. I made chili which was pretty much no work at all.. The most important people in my life were there that day (minus a few exceptions like BigPapa, my brother, and my sisters hubby) but other than those three it was AWESOME!! Great friends and family to gather to help celebrate the prettiest girls birthday! All in all it was a great day!


    Then a super fun day at the fair! Had a BLAST!!! =D Ended up going with my 3 kiddos my sister in law my mother and father in law and an amazing friend since high school and her daughter.. Yep that makes five adults and 5 kids!! Kids rode so many rides and I held a GIANT YELLOW BOA CONSTRICTOR (sp) Yeah I know CRAZY! I did get pics so I could show Big Papa.. figured he would get a kick outta it!! And he did!! I gained 4 more fish (1 of which hasnt surivied, prolly the beating it got on the way out to the parking lot from my neice) to go with my already 3 goldfish in my tank. Oh well! It was so worth it.. Im posting on of my fav pics of the kids... they decided to ride the roller coaster and kinda made mommies and gramma nervous because they rode alone hehe! but they did GREAT and had a blast!

    The last part of my blog today is about 2 girls that have made my life AMAZING! I cannot explain to you how special these two women are in my life. We have had our ups and downs but I wouldnt change anything in the world. The red head, is my brothers wife. They were high school sweethearts and have been together for a very long time. Now she is my brothers wife and the mother of his son, my nephew ( my lil monkey who will be here ETA January 14th). She has seen me through VERY good times and VERY bad times and has loved me unconditionally through both.. she loves my children as her own and that makes me very confident that she will be a wonderful mother when Monkey gets here. She is not my sister-in-law, she is my sister! I am so happy she married my brother. She makes him very happy and that makes me happy as well. The blonde, well we go way back as well. She dated my brothers best friend for a while and we became friends as we all hung out all the time. They split up and we I remained close friends throughout the years. We would fall out of touch but I ALWAYS ALWAYS knew she was there for me. She is now married to a wonderful man whom I am thankful for being in hers and even my life. They love my children ALMOST as much as I do. Its kinda sad but he has spent almost as much time with Buttercup as BigPapa has (Thank you US ARMY). I know that if I needed something, anything I could go to them. She is a phenomenal woman. I had always considered her family because when she dated my brothers best friend he was like a brother to me, but through the years my brothers best friend and I have grown distant and She and I have grown closer. She is my sister. Call it coincidence but She is ALSO pregnant with my other nephew (my lillest man  ETA Jan 24th). I am so excited and truly blessed to have these two amazing beautiful women in my life. I couldnt be more thankful that God had blessed me with a sister in law who is much more than an IN LAW and a best friend who is much much more than a best friend. I am a lucky lucky lady!! Thank you sisters. I love you both VERY much!