Okay so its been a while since I have written in here and let me go ahead and warn you folks who dont like what I blog about all the time, get over it... theres prolly some stuff in here you wont like then you better stop reading now!! I have been busy getting things ready and cleaned around the house for my husbands homecoming! Which by the way is right around the corner. The house is no where near what I want it to be so Im ready for it to get here as soon as it can then again I want to make sure he comes home to everything perfect. Yeah he doesnt care lol but I do!! I will be gone for the two weeks shortly before he comes home so I have a short period of time to make sure its done! LOL! OH BOY ITS GONNA BE AMAZING!! I cant wait until this deployment is just a mere memory and we can look back on it and THANK GOD its over and thank God for all the things we have learned during this thing. Which has been so amazing. I have learned how truly amazing he his as a husband and how there is no possible way I could spend the rest of my life without him but on the same hand I learned that I am strong and I CAN do this. As the year is winding down I have learned and realized who really means the most. Not the ones who SAY they are gonna be there but who are actually are. Which are not the people I expected. I guess I have high expectations for my husband. Sad part is many of them bask in the glow of having a brave man they call their own who is deployed when in actuality they have no rights claiming fame to that situation. They have not supported or done anything for him but yet feel they have bragging rights. LOL! I just think its funny. YEAH I have so and so fighting in Afghanistan Im so proud of him but let me do NOTHING for him while he is gone, no letters, no boxes, only messaging him on special occasions, PSH! But of course I dont have to say anything to HIM because he sees it. Claim him while hes gone but see if he claims you when he returns home. Yeah they probably know who they are and probably wont like my blog, and I know I have went on and on about it before buuuuuut its been on my mind. Im waiting till right before he comes home they gonna be trying to talk to him alot and make it seem like they were there the whole time!! HAHAH!! I laugh! Theres so much I can gripe about... like why do women stay with abusive men. Maybe I will have Big Papa punch me in the face one good time to see what all the hype is about... LOL!! Course he would be driving his self to the hospital if I were to shoot him in the leg for it. I just dont get it!! YOU DESERVE BETTER!! Oh people changed.... LOL! Yeah I believe people grow up but I dont believe that all people can change.. just sayin. Not to mention the innocent people who have no CHOICE and vote in your STUPID decisions that you DRAG into your mess. Oh well maybe they will learn SOMEDAY! Yeah remember MY OPINION and FYI I dont have to be a part of it and neither does Big Papa or my kiddos soooo dont be surprised if we disseapear outta your life. UGH! AGAIN MY OPINION!! SO for those who are sensitive to stuff dont get all in your feelings and take it personal this is MY blog ya know! Anyways off my ANTAGONISIC soap box. In a couple weeks I will get to see my "real" dad and my littlest brother and sister again. Im so excited!! I cant wait to see them. Oh I got a new computer!! WOOP WOOP! My mom, brother and sister got me hooked on WOW [World of Warcraft for those of you not familiar with WOW] so I HAD to get a computer that I could actually play on!! LOVE IT!!! SUPA FAST!!! I am so loving Windows 7. Its a nice upgrade from WindowsXP. Wow is a whole different ballgame! Its so much fun though we will conference call each other on Skype and chat while we play. That way in a weird way we are all spending time together. Not sure how we are gonna manage that when my honey comes home buuuut thats ok!!! We will deal. Anyways! So thats whats been going on here... Buttercup used the potty today and she got her cast off!! YAYA!! So no worries about water and sand in her cast when we go to the beach!! And no cast when her Daddy gets home!! WHICH IS SOOON!! YAYAYAY!!! Cant even express how excited I am about him coming home. Thats about all for tonight. Hope everyone has had a wonderful wonderful weekend!
Jaied Night Elf Fury Warrior |
Emeraldina Human Assassination Rogue |
KICKIN BUTT AND TAKIN NAMES!!! HOLLA!!! =P Much love folks!!