Friday, October 19, 2012

Long time...

So much has been going on. Good and some not so good. Hubby and I are still working on being 100% completely debt free. Taking a class called Financial Peace University. We both have become extremely active in our church and our Sunday school class. Which I absolutely adore! My old high school fb friends are slowly being pushed out by my wonderful church family. I was doing great at working out but some things happened, hubby changed shifts and well my sitter for the gym is no more. So I am going to have to compensate somehow at home. Guess I could put my p90x and Zumba to good use. Homeschooling has been fun. I go through alot of ink printing worksheets and things like that. I think my babygirl still misses her school and her friends. Sometimes i wonder if she misses them more than she did me when she was in school. Our littlest one is now 3. Gosh time flies. Our son is getting big. 4 years old and as big as his 7 year old sister. We are still waiting on the Med board process for James. He has gone back to the VA for more xrays and it has seemed his back has gotten worse. He has an MRI coming up which should show more. His PTSD is getting better. Got your good days and your bad days. Mostly good days. Course that makes the bad days more obvious. He hates taking his meds for it but I encourage him and remind him some guys have it much worse. Thats pretty much all that has been going on around here. Time flies when your having fun. Im going to try to update regularly but like I said between homeschool, church, FPU, Bible Study, and family and friends spare time is hard to come by! Anyways. I hope you all have a blessed evening!