Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Gooooood Mornin ya'll. Sitting here sippin my cup of coffee grateful that today is supposed to be semi nice. The sun will be shining and it will be in the mid 60's. Unfortunately this weekend its gonna be back in the low 50's again. Welcome to the South folks. Hopefully the sun will be shining either way. Went to Bible study yesterday and had a nice heart to heart with a wonderful woman from there and I am feeling much better about things. Im selling Thirty-One bags now! So excited. Im so close to my first goal I can taste it! We are now debt free. All besides our truck. I could not be more excited. First step. We took a Dave Ramsey class a while back with a dear friend of mine and we were not confident that we could be successful so we did not apply what we learned. Now, we can be sure that we will be able to do this. So here we go! Financial Freedom here we come! I love the sound of that. Freedom.. In this country nowadays that word is hard to come by. Slowly but surely this is turning into some kind of crazy dictatorship. President not going through Congress to submit laws and simply signing executive orders to put things in place. Should not surprise me. His father is rumored to be strong into dictatorship. Anyways that is enough about that. I finally downloaded my curriculum for preschool and kindergarten! Yay! I got it from Confessions of a Homeschooler . I am really looking forward to getting started on it next year. I am still in search of a good curriculum for my biggest Babygirl. I am very picky about what my children are taught and how they are taught. I want to be able to incorporate religion into science and history because whether we like it or not, they are a part of each other. I do not mind doing my own curriculum but I need something that is credible to schools and colleges. Because like any other parent that is ultimately my goal is to send my child to college. I am looking forward to this weekend for only one reason. After many years of trials and a weekend full of hard work my husband, our son, his dad and his uncle have gotten his truck running. One step closer to his dream truck.(One of the many he has...) This weekend its supposed to be coming home. So FINALLY it will be out of his uncles woods scaring away the animals and in our driveway where it BELONGS. Nice to know that it was not too difficult to get the tree that was growing out of the big hole where the engine was. LOL. I look at the clock and its only 9:30am... WOW! I must have gotten up really early this morning. I see a nap today... maybe. That is all that has been going on. Glad to find time to write in my blog. I am trying to make it a point to find time for the important things. Bible study, devotion, my husband, my kids, sleep, and writing in my blog. I am hoping to keep it up! I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Never Gonna Get It Right!
Seems I am never gonna be able to write blog posts on a regular basis. Sad as it is. Yep, stay at home mom and all the time in the world right!! HAHA. Course I am busy with so many other things. School and what not. Either way. There is a boat load of things on my mind. Hubby has been working hard to get his truck running so we have a second vehicle. I have been struggling with my faith and where I am as far as within my family. Often times I feel resented by certain family members. Of course I feel like it has stemmed from things that happened before it was any of my control. However I should not feel that way. I love all of my family whether they think I do or not. As far as my faith... In some ways I feel I have drifted away from God. I was doing wonderful before staying on top of my Bible Studies and things. Nowadays... I struggle to find time. It should not be that way. God would not have to struggle to find time for me. He would be there as soon as I opened my mouth. Sigh and that is what is making my life difficult now I am going to have to sit down and do some serious soul searching, talking with the Lord and getting my life back on track. As for my church... its wonderful church and I love it. I have this internal struggle to "fit in". I am by no means a girly girl and do not do much shop talk and I am not into the latest fashions nor am I any size to be "into" them but I try and to no avail I still find myself drifting away from them and into my husbands conversations with the men about sports, guns, cars and things. Its not the women at the church. They are wonderful and friendly and welcoming. Its me! I am glad however that there is one thing that MOST of us have in common and that is we all love the Lord and we are moms. Snot, poop, pee, barf, boogers, giggles, holding little ones hands, chasing them in the church parking lot, the whole nine. We can definitely all relate to that and I love them all the more for that. Unfortunately feeling the way I do causes me to distance myself from people. I have tried most of my life to try and fit in with my own family members and been rejected that it is difficult for me to attempt to do that with strangers for fear or rejection. I cannot say that SOME of my family does not have a reason to not be my biggest fan however I feel as though I have apologized about many things I KNOW I have done and asked for forgiveness. Of course in hopes that it would come and it does not. I used to be a HUGE confrontational person and these days I am not so much unless there is some blatant reason for me to open my mouth and step in. Okay so that is my soap box today. I am hoping there are more uplifting posts in the near future. The weather is changing and hopefully for the duration to more spring weather and I usually am in better spirits when the weather is nicer. I am sure most folks can relate. So to end on a better note. I love my life and my family. God has blessed me with a wonderful life full of wonderful people.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Behind..... Again!
Is anyone else having a hard time sticking to something right now?? Sigh... maybe its just me. Anyways, I really have no excuse. I have not been too busy and I have not had a lot of things going on that are outside my head. (Trust me you do not want to know what all goes on up there) I have been such a terrible slacker lately and I am really really wanting to change that... now, question is can I? I can... but... there is always a but right? Somewhere I always say but. Homeschooling is going good, Bible study is going good, finally got the kick back to go back to Church after recovering from sicknesses and holidays and what not. So, no excuses right. I am dying to start working out again, eating right and just all around feeling physically better. How am I gonna do that I have no idea. I have p90x and zumba dvds so theres really no excuse there. Not to mention the kids love doing Zumba with me. They are soo cute and they sure do not look as silly as I do. They make Zumba look good. Thats neither here nor there. I have been lukewarm in a lot of areas of my life to include spiritual life but just like your mental and physical state your spiritual state needs to be worked out too and I have slacked in that. But here I am, again trying to make you believe I will be back for good. SO we shall see! Anyone want to hold me accountable? Anyone? Ok! Great! Well I hope everyone has a blessed day! =D
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