Saturday, August 16, 2014

2 Days till Day 1!

So I have two more days well less than that until the first day of school!! I have decided to go ahead and work my littlest into Kindergarten. She misses the cutoff by a couple of weeks and I think shes ready for it. Just have to be persistent in teaching her. My lil man is looking forward to it. The oldest however is less than thrilled but she will survive. Some things I have been working on are getting organized and scheduling worked out. Im not sure if I want to go by a strict schedule or if I want to just play each day by ear. Schedules have never been a bad thing so I am going to try that first. I am probably the most organized unorganized person I know. I have decided to go with Sonlight again this year because I loved it so much last year. Fun part was when I got my books in the mail my mom and sister in law were here for me to divvy out the books, label and organize them. Because there is so much material I have most of the school work broken down by 6 weeks. Just have to finish printing off worksheets. I am super stoked! I can not wait. But then again the pressures of homeschooling terrify me to no end. I started playing World of Warcraft over the summer but have decided with school coming up I do not know how much spare time I will have so I cancelled it for now. Priorities. Anyway here are some photos of my classroom/dining room! Please excuse the mess!

I got the Morning High Five idea from a lady named Jessica Here but I tweaked my pics a little bit to work with my household. 

Well thats all for today!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful and restful weekend!!! Happy Back to school time!!!! =)