#1 on my Island! |
Okay soooooo A while back one of my girlfriends told me about her "island". You have this fantasy island and you put the people you could hook up with w/o your spouse being upset. OK the people had to be famous with 0% chance of hooking up with. Well the top of my list is John Cena. He is a wrestler for the WWE! I used to like The Rock but hes kinda outgrown me. So John Cena is my new guy along with Channing Tatum but Cena is DEFINITLY top of my list. Gotta admit not to bad on the eyes.. Nice body, ok face and BIG MUSCLES!! HEHE! My kinda guy... That was until I recieved THIS photo from my husband today... Who needs John Cena on your island when you got this at home....... HOLLA!!!!
Yeah girls!! ALLLLLL MINE!!! BOOOYA!!!! |
Okay so please excuse me while I catch my breath... After alll this that boy stillllll knows how to well nevermind! Anyways! So along with a few of his buddies over there hes been bustin his butt trying to get into shape and he says hes never felt this "fit" in a while... I mean he loooks goooooooood! <3 Just absolutly hottttt damn! Excuse my language! I wasnt gonna share this picture I was gonna hog it all to myself but hes just to yummy not to brag to the rest of the world about how sexiness my man is!!! And he aint goin NOWHERE!! :o) Anyways on a softer note hheehe, I sent him a lil teddy bear over there. He rides on the dash of the Buffalo. James says they call him "Look Out" and when he falls off the dash they all yell MAN DOWN and grab Look Out and put him back on the dash. Kinda like their little mascot! Its cute. I sent it to James to give him sumthin to snuggle with but hey if it gives him something to do more fun! :o)
My Big Papa and Look Out when Look Out first arrived. |
Look Out Chillin! :o) |
Its amazing the things that get these guys through over there. But ya know they are just like us. I love them all for their sacrifice they have made and are making for their families and loved ones! They are my heros. I am lucky to call one of them my husband and my true love! God Speed 1221st. Keep on Kickin it over there Black Sheep and ya'll come on home safe to us!!! We love you!
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