So due to the high number of requests of people to be allowed to read my blog I have decided to keep it public. Makes it alot easier for me. Those who do not like what I read can either voice their opinions or keep them to themselves, again this is MY blog about MY feelings! So ANYWAYS. Its a been a minute since I have written a blog about whats been up in my life. Im still dieting and still going to the gym. No change physically that I can see but Im beginning to feel better. There is one added element now that I am hoping will further my working out and things like that. Maybe start seeing some physical results soon! That would definitely help my psychie. My kids are doing wonderful!!! Doing amazing in school and they are growing like weeds. I cant wait till their daddy can see them. Hell I just cant wait until he gets home. My babies are growing super fast. Mikey sigh my little monkey is a spitting image of his daddy! Handsome little devil.. Im hoping for a visit VERY soon! I miss those guys VERY much!! I need a brother and sister hugs from them! Little Clay is so cute! Those two boys are very lucky to have me as an aunt... oh yeah and for their parents. He! He! I am attempting getting a girls night together for me and some of my besties.. Its definitely in the works. I miss my girls!! This weekend is a mini girls night. Two of my most amazingest friends coming over spagetti and kids playing and possibly some wine! GAWSH! I love them ladies vury much! I was going through photos and I found some from James basic graduation. The FIRST best day of my life since James military career started. I couldnt be more proud of my soldier! Roughly 2 more months till R&R. Still dont know exact dates (thank you military) and we are 7 months into this deployment. Things havent gotten easier just more tolerable. I still miss James alot. Im kind of running through the motions of my daily life. Having my kids make things easier but harder at the same time. They keep me busy, make me smile and make me laugh. If it werent for them to keep me going daily I have no idea what mental state I would be in LoL! Sometimes I FEEL all alone. I KNOW I have a family and friends who will be here for me when I ask. Sometimes I just want to BE alone when I feel that way. Alot of times I feel like no one understands what Im feeling. I know there are soo many men and women who do. I hurt that much is true but I love that man so much more than I am hurting and that is what will make this whole deployment worthwhile when its just a memory for all of us to look back on. Till that day, keep up with the gym and dieting and my daily routine and keep drivin on. We dont have much longer and we are ALMOST done! Then it will be behind us and we can move forward. Gonna end with a quote I ran across today with some photos from James basic graduation! Wish you all well!
“Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.”
My Fav Pic From that Day!! <3 |
First time I had seen him in 3 months! |
MmMmM!! |
I was a happy lady!! |
He was sooooo tiny!! |
Proud of my Soldier! |
And again MmMm |
Givin Daddy some love! |
I like this pic of us! |
Daddy Sugar! |
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