Okay so here is how my last two days have went. Yesterday it was a normal day aside the anticipation of a FUN filled evening with my hubby and my bestie and her hubby. I could not wait to get a little time with other adults without yelling at the kids every other sentence. So after a quick drop off of the kiddos at my in-laws and off to dinner we go. We ate dinner at Fujiyamas and it was delish. I did not get any sushi because well that crap is NASTY! To me anyways! LOL! Go ahead and hate I do not care. After a nummy and filling meal off to the movies we went. We went to the "BIG" movie theater to see it. After we comically made it through all of the previews and the guys complaints on how people have become so plain in picking out names for movies. The Lady in a Black Dress, Man on a Ledge and We Bought a Zoo are as clever as these intelligent Hollywood people can come up with.. So sad if you ask me. Going through the movie I will not talk much about it in case some of you folks have not seen it but I have to admit this one is my favorite on thus far. Not too much of the book was left out just the filling parts I think. The computer generated images (CGI) were done VERY well in this particular movie.. was almost hard to believe that the wolves were actually computer and not REAL. And the transformation into the shape shifting part from human to wolf was good too. No indication of CGI involvment that much. Aside from the obvious. Also the makeup on Edward was not so packed on as previous movies he looked more naturally pale. My favorite parts in the movie were when Edward could hear the baby, the imprinting of Jacob and Renesmee and the end!! I think that was an appropriate place to leave the audience. Left ya hanging but movies with a part two should always do that. What I did not like about the movie, other than the family Bella and Edward did not smile much during the wedding. Kind of disappointing but I will get over it. I also did not see Jacob smile but of course he did not have much reason to smile. I am not a Hollywood critic but after reading the book and watching the movie I would have to say its a very well done interpretation of the book into film form. Again Breaking Dawn was my favorite book out of the series so I may be a little partial to the movie. Yes I recommend it. I am not into gory vampire blood sucking movies and there is not that much swearing. I like this series a lot for that reason. But do not just jump into the last movie make sure you watch the first three before you watch this one or you will be just as lost as these poor girls that sat behind me and did not understand the end of the movie. Anways moving on, today I went to my family physician to get my ears looked and like I thought no infection but a lot of thick fluid behind my eardrum so I have to constantly take some decongestant and antihistamine and wait until the ENT gets my referral to see them. So right now I am looking at tubes in my ears or having my tonsils and adenoids removed which should have been done when I was smaller but that is ok mom I am not too mad at you! =) So all in all a good couple of days. Tomorrow lots of cleaning and getting ready for Thanksgiving. Hoping to put up Christmas decorations Friday. I am actually excited about it this year since hubby is home. Oh and the songs that are playing the first one is from the movie Breaking Dawn but the second one has been my favorite since I have heard it and its the Lullaby Edward writes for Bella. No words just music.. Beautiful! Anyways! I hope everyone has had a great day.
With all my Love
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