Monday, April 2, 2012
A Cleansing Period.
Heads up a scatterbrained religious post... So I have decided to cleanse my life of those things that keep me from my time with God. World of Warcraft, Facebook and anything else that comes before my set aside time with the Lord because for all hes done for me he deserves nothing less. . Make things right with people I may have wronged or hurt. Forgiveness.. sometimes its so hard to do when you have been hurt isn't it? I cant help but think about the awful things the Romans did to Jesus even his own people did to him and still he shed his blood so that they may accept the gift of salvation and spend eternity in Heaven.. Oh... Heaven... How beautiful it must be to take those who believe in the Lamb of God to live with you. Can you see it friends?? Can you close your eyes and see it? What does YOUR Heaven look like? Mine.. its beautiful, wondrous and breathtaking. In the midst of the beauty there is something more beautiful than Heaven.... what is it you ask, the face of Jesus Christ. The one who laid down his life so that you and I can share in this chapter in our lives. I have been humbled lately. Maybe its that time of year where the ultimate sacrifice is on the forefront of our eyes and our hearts. The act was beautiful, but the process was not. I am pretty sure that Mary's heart was ripped out of her chest as she watched her son tortured, spit on, shunned, beaten, whipped and then crucified on the cross. I cannot even begin to imagine as I watch my children play. What a blessing God gave us so that we do not have to sacrifice our own children!!! But how AWESOME it was when Mary returned to the tomb to see the body of her child no longer there but resurrected into the kingdom of Heaven to be with God. oooooh I just get chills thinking about how glorious that must have been. Isnt that why we celebrate Easter? Not for the candy, eggs or family gatherings but to rejoice and be thankful of the ULTIMATE gift?? On that note... is it right for your children to believe in something false like the Easter Bunny even Santa Clause? GASP! Yep I said it. Or should you be straight up with them. Maybe thats whats wrong with our generations and the generations to come. We live in a make believe world of killing, shooting, getting what we want, technology and we have become lazy in the things in our lives that really matter? When I started this blog it was premeditated to get my thoughts and sometimes ok well alot of times ANGER out at people who had hurt me or done things to hurt me or my family. Low blows just to say what I wanted to say not confrontation but now.... something else pulls at my heart.. a new goal... My job as a Christian is to spread Gods word, bring you friends to Christ so that we may be taken up when Jesus returns and live in Heaven with Jesus and God. I can honestly say I have not been very successful but my goal has changed. I will live my life to please God, I will get rid of those things that take away from my time with him and tell YOU about the GREATNESS of God. =) His greatness goes way back and continues to go on so this blog should last a while huh? I am sure I am going to scare tons of people away but I am hoping in those that go I have some that stay with a yearning in their heart to know God and get to know him along with me. Our journey will never end as there is so much to learn and so many ways to grow. Our country and our world is headed to terrible turmoil (yes folks it can get worse than this) and my hope is to let people see that there is a far more beautiful and less painful future for us all if we choose to walk that path. So many times when I talk to people about Jesus and getting saved and being Christians they say well I have to change my life, well my friends if you truly believe that Jesus is the way the truth and the light and hes the only way to get to Heaven and you read and study his word then you wont have to feel like you HAVE to change you will WANT to change your life. Do you want to know where you are headed without Jesus in your life.... There is a book in the bible called Revelation. If you think we are living in troubled times well we have not even began to touch on the things that are to come. The wrath of God.... we know nothing of the sort... yet.. and because I love my family and friends and you who have chosen to read my blog I want you to know that you do not have to endure the wrath. Take a walk with God and Jesus through his journey here on Earth. Pick up a copy of his novel The Holy Bible. You can start at the beginning, or you can read the book of John and read about Gods love for us, or read Revelation to see what you will be missing out on if you decide to accept him. I love each and everyone of you reading I do not know you but I do know there is a reason God led you to my blog. I may not know EVERYTHING about God or Jesus but I know the most important parts... Jesus died for our sins... that is it all we have to do is accept it and believe in our hearts , pray and read Gods word and he will do the rest.
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