Friday, January 17, 2014
Balance & Peace
So how do you juggle homeschool, church, Bible study, meal planning and prep for a large family, having time to spend with the husband and kids, quiet time with God, and quality time to myself? I don't. So how do I balance my craziness in life and be at peace about it? I DON'T! I definitely do not have it all together. And I really never feel like it but lately I have started putting God at the start of my day. Makes me think of Matthew 6:33-34 " But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." So what does that mean to me or to you or any other busy person on this planet. Get what you can get done today. There are some things that can wait. Deep cleaning the house can wait until the next day. Instead of checking your facebook before you ever get out of bed, read a devotional on your phone and pray before your feet hit the floor. Remember life does not have to be something that is dreadful. You should enjoy your life. Make the best of it. There are just some things that are not that important that can not wait. If you ever begin to feel overwhelmed take a step back, breathe, look at the blessings life has brought you and be thankful. Remember that you are only in this season for a short time. Laugh, Love, Hug, and Smile a lot! Anyway, that is enough of my soap box. Hubby and I are about to embark on a whole new journey in our lives. We have gone through and have done a lot in the short time that we have been married but this, is new, fun, exciting and scary all at the same time. We are going to join the homeowners club! YAY! So we love FL so much and hubbs likes his job we are going to plant some roots and maybe stay here for a while. GREAT NEWS!!! Had a little bit of a scare and thought we were going to be relocating to a place that is well... not so warm but a lot of praying and advice from our elders we decided that staying here for a few more years would be the best for our little family. This way hubbs can get a few more years in at his job, we are still close to some family and for the family we are not close to well who wouldn't want to come to Florida to visit. I mean honestly! =D Well that is my blog for the day. Thanks for reading it and keeping up with my posts!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Sleepless AGAIN!
Okay so although I have many things to help me sleep at night, it seems none of them are working. I still wake up and go through the day exhausted as when I was not even sleeping at night. It does not make sense. I am eating better, taking vitamins, and even being more active than normal. I am not sure. Maybe its just a period of adjustment for my body. Either way I hope I start feeling rested soon or I am gonna have to take a week or so to just sleep. Speaking of a week. Last Wednesday I started a Bible Study at my church. Breaking Free by Beth Moore. Whew. Nothing like having a spunky little blonde woman give you a spiritual butt whoopin every week. I have also started in a new Sunday School class. Which is even more exciting because I actually KNOW my teacher and there is some work assigned in that class. Finding the time to get all of the footwork done has been a chore... With EVERYTHING else that is going on. Homeschooling and trying to juggle spending time with my husband and kids in there too. But I am sure I will manage. If I put God first he will give me plenty of time to do it all or he will weed out the things that can wait till later. My "lifestyle change" is going good. Im trying not to call it a diet. I have done really well at eating healthy foods, less junk and more water. I have even started eating breakfast and taking a multivitamin that has helped a lot too. I cant wait until I can get into a gym and start working out. I enjoy walking but it hurts so much. I get shin splints and they are extremely painful. I really do try and push through them but to no avail I cant get over them. Hopefully once I get some more weight off it will be easier. At least that is what I am praying. I will find out on the 28th how much weight I have lost. Praying its what I am hoping my goal would be. Anyways! I hope you all have a blessed day.
Monday, January 6, 2014
A Little of This and a Little of That...
Kind of happy, kind of sad.
OK so here is day one of one of my "resolutions" is to blog more. On a daily basis... As you can see I have already missed 6 days of blogging... ALREADY.. So I guess you could say I got off to a rocky start. So here goes. There are actually many things I want to blog about... Just have to get my thoughts in order. Might start utilizing my Blog Planner. Im big for making lists and planners and things I just usually do not stick to them. Terrible isn't it? With three kids you would think I would organize and stick to it. NOT! My three kids and husband is probably the reason I DO NOT stick to it. So if you are reading this and it has been a day since I have blogged feel free to kindly remind me. As with New Years there is always a time for you to restart and work on yourself. I have some medical issues that I am addressing and in order to do that I am having to make a serious lifestyle change. I mean really, when is a lifestyle change NOT serious? Especially when it comes to something that you have done for a while and it is time to change it? But, If I want to be on this planet and HEALTHY for my children as they grow up and get older I need to get on it. Well Bible Study is starting back up and might I say I am SO ready for it. Nothing like getting your Spiritual butt handed to you each week. It helps though that with the move I have found a wonderful church to go to with a phenomenal group of women to worship and fellowship with. I was so worried that no church would ever amount to the one I left back home but God showed up and showed off and placed me in a church that is just as wonderful as the last. God has blessed me so much, its time to start showing him I appreciate his love. Lord knows I do I just do not show it like I should. Today is such a bitter sweet day for me. And I do not know how much I can blog into it but today 9 years ago I lost my first baby sister. You can see pics and read my blog on her before Here and on my Grandmothers website she made for Carly Here. It was a difficult time in my life as I had just found out I was pregnant and the next day I turn around and bury my 3 month old sister that I have wanted all my life. Many thought I would be jealous of her being I was the only girl but when I walked into the NICU and seen her precious little face... I have to admit... being my first baby sister she was my favorite out of the twins. I love them the same but there is just something about a baby sister. I fell in love.. Looking back I was so hurt but the pain in my heart is nothing compared to what my dad and step mom went through. I cannot even begin nor want to begin to imagine. I just pray that the hurt eases as time passes knowing that on this day as Carly is looking down at us God is snuggling her in his arms saying "No worries my precious child, they will all be ok and one day they will get to hold you in their arms like I am now." 6 years to the day after my sister passed my first biological nephew was born. Oh sweet Michael. He is just too sweet. Now you all know that as a proud Aunt I wrote a blog about him too! So you can read about that Here! We also live with him so you will probably read about him quite frequently. His maternal grandparents are in town so he is out and about with them but we will celebrate with him later! I will get into more detail about things later on to give me some blog post ideas. Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my blog. Your feedback, comments and time are deeply appreciated! I hope you all stay warm and have a blessed day!
OK so here is day one of one of my "resolutions" is to blog more. On a daily basis... As you can see I have already missed 6 days of blogging... ALREADY.. So I guess you could say I got off to a rocky start. So here goes. There are actually many things I want to blog about... Just have to get my thoughts in order. Might start utilizing my Blog Planner. Im big for making lists and planners and things I just usually do not stick to them. Terrible isn't it? With three kids you would think I would organize and stick to it. NOT! My three kids and husband is probably the reason I DO NOT stick to it. So if you are reading this and it has been a day since I have blogged feel free to kindly remind me. As with New Years there is always a time for you to restart and work on yourself. I have some medical issues that I am addressing and in order to do that I am having to make a serious lifestyle change. I mean really, when is a lifestyle change NOT serious? Especially when it comes to something that you have done for a while and it is time to change it? But, If I want to be on this planet and HEALTHY for my children as they grow up and get older I need to get on it. Well Bible Study is starting back up and might I say I am SO ready for it. Nothing like getting your Spiritual butt handed to you each week. It helps though that with the move I have found a wonderful church to go to with a phenomenal group of women to worship and fellowship with. I was so worried that no church would ever amount to the one I left back home but God showed up and showed off and placed me in a church that is just as wonderful as the last. God has blessed me so much, its time to start showing him I appreciate his love. Lord knows I do I just do not show it like I should. Today is such a bitter sweet day for me. And I do not know how much I can blog into it but today 9 years ago I lost my first baby sister. You can see pics and read my blog on her before Here and on my Grandmothers website she made for Carly Here. It was a difficult time in my life as I had just found out I was pregnant and the next day I turn around and bury my 3 month old sister that I have wanted all my life. Many thought I would be jealous of her being I was the only girl but when I walked into the NICU and seen her precious little face... I have to admit... being my first baby sister she was my favorite out of the twins. I love them the same but there is just something about a baby sister. I fell in love.. Looking back I was so hurt but the pain in my heart is nothing compared to what my dad and step mom went through. I cannot even begin nor want to begin to imagine. I just pray that the hurt eases as time passes knowing that on this day as Carly is looking down at us God is snuggling her in his arms saying "No worries my precious child, they will all be ok and one day they will get to hold you in their arms like I am now." 6 years to the day after my sister passed my first biological nephew was born. Oh sweet Michael. He is just too sweet. Now you all know that as a proud Aunt I wrote a blog about him too! So you can read about that Here! We also live with him so you will probably read about him quite frequently. His maternal grandparents are in town so he is out and about with them but we will celebrate with him later! I will get into more detail about things later on to give me some blog post ideas. Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my blog. Your feedback, comments and time are deeply appreciated! I hope you all stay warm and have a blessed day!
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