Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Its the Little Things!!
Have I mentioned I love Wednesdays and Thursdays. Those are the days my hubby is off. The days we do not do school work. (Unless for some reason there is make up work to do). I am sitting here at my computer sipping on my coffee reflecting on the past few weeks since I blogged last. Selfishly I have to say I am glad football is coming to an end... but I am more sad. It has been great for me and for my son. Shoot its been good for my girls too. My son really enjoys the sport. And he loves so big so I have unexpectedly adopted 17 other little boys who are now brothers to my son. There are a few he is particularly closer to than others but loves them all none the less. My girls have made some new great friends as well. They got to see a little of the cheers they may be doing next year. I am still on the fence about putting them into cheer here due to some drama issues I have heard from other parents who have daughters on the cheer team. How has it been great for me? Well I have made some new wonderful friends I get to see and socialize with a few days a week. Not to mention now that all of our sons are brothers we have become a family in the 10 weeks or more that we have been together. So yes it has been way more of a blessing than it has a burden. Some days I am like UGH football practice but once I get there and I am surrounded by great folks I enjoy it and think man I am glad I did no stay home. How has school been going? GREAT! My kiddos just breeze right along. My littlest who is not "technically" kindergarten age (she misses the cut off by 3 weeks) is rolling right along in her kindergarten school work. Not sure how that will work when I enroll her with the county buuuut we will see. One of those things were we weren't sure if she was ready for kindergarten so we would try it and if not we would back down but shes done great. I am a proud mama. My son, he can practically do all of his work on his own. Hes a great reader. He HATES writing though. When we answer questions he whines "Mama can you write it for me my hand hurts". Sorry son... Such is life. But he thoroughly enjoys having the freedom after we knock out all of his school work in less than 2 hours. My oldest... Ahhh 4th grade... Shes doing great but her favorite part is the experiments. We have jumped into the experiments this year and I am glad. We involve the younger children as well so its fun for all. We are learning about electricity and how its produced and different kinds of energy. So far the journey has been fantastic. This year they are not getting a "winter" break but a fall break. Hubby cant get Christmas time off so we are giving them a break to spend some time with their grandparents. I am so blessed to have a wonderful family and grandparents for my children who are so involved! Anyway... The holidays are coming up.. All things Christmas and pumpkin smelling. Let me state for the record that anything pumpkin flavored, tasting, or smelling is gross... I'm just saying.. You can hold that against me if you would like but just know if you come to my home it will smell like tropical flowers all year round except Christmas time when there will be a hint of Christmas Tree smell (From my REAL Christmas tree). Well that is all. Just wanted to take some time to update everyone! Hope you all have a blessed day!!! <3 p="">
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