So heres a little meat for my blog post today: The Pastor has been preaching on a series through the book of Joshua and the one I watched today was when Joshua had led the Israelite's across the Jordan river and they were about to make camp in Gilgal on the East Border of Jericho. God had told Joshua to make a memorial there with 12 stones from the dry ground God provided to them to pass through the Jordan river. This memorial was to be a reminder to them and their children and generations on of when the Israelites passed over Jordan on dry ground. Gilgal was used as the camp the Israelites used to always come back to refresh and renew from their battles or journeys. It symbolizes in today's Christian life as the point in our life of our salvation, when God delivers us! The place in our life where God called you to be his child. The place where you look back on your life and seen how it was before God and a reminder of Gods faithfulness.
Where was my Gilgal? When I lived in Georgia it was my church home. It was a constant reminder of the place where God came to me both when I got saved the first time and also when I rededicated my life to him. I would drive past this church daily, I attended church there, my children when to preschool there, I helped with Awanas there, I mean this place was LITERALLY a huge part of my life so it was a constant reminder of the blessing of Gods salvation to me. Though it is still my church home in my heart, I no longer live near there. I don't have that constant reminder of Gods grace... 2 years later my walk.... well.... lets just say I haven't been walking much, and if I have walked it has been on the opposite direction of God.
How do I get back to my Gilgal? Well physically I can't! But why should I?? God is EVERYWHERE! He is with us ALWAYS and he is with us anywhere we are. What does it take to get back? Well folks, there is one direction you need to look and that is up. STOP! Stop what you are doing, get un-busy, get away from all of your distractions. Take time alone with God to have him speak to your heart. To remind you of the great things he has done for you. As if sacrificing his only son wasn't enough. The flesh desires an elaborate display of grace God has given us doesn't it?? To get in that quite place, back to basics, back to the core! What do I need to do?? It is different for everyone! Pray, worship, read the Bible, be alone and just be still. Discover that place in your heart where God built that memorial of the time he delivered you from your sins and ultimately to the promised land!
I have recently found a quaint little church to attend. It is the complete OPPOSITE of my home church. But come to think of it, my home church was once a quaint little church... I am striving to get more involved and get over my judgemental attitude and giving this new one the chance it deserves. Lord knows I didn't and don't deserve chances but he gives them doesn't he! God is so good!!!My blogs may not make sense to you (I tend to be scatterbrained), and you may not understand but I write them in hopes that you may understand and that God blesses you through it somehow.