Sunday, January 11, 2015
Why I Chose to Homeschool...
And continue to do so. My husband and I sat down a few years ago and discussed me homeschooling. When I was pregnant with my son I was unable to work due to some health issues so I stayed home with him. I sent my oldest to regular school up until First grade. She was struggling in many ways. Mostly it was due to a potty issue. She would not completely wet her pants but just enough to give an odor and kids would make fun of her. And at least twice a week I was getting phone calls to bring her clothes (Which I always kept a spare in her bag) or pick her up. Which I am happy to say she has gotten over. Her First Grade year my husband came home from Afghanistan for his R&R and I have to say it was like pulling teeth to get her out of school for the two weeks he was home. My Father in law had a heart attack and had to have heart surgery while on the road in Florida and I had to pull her out again. She could only get pre-approved for 3 days until I came back with a doctors note stating that it was necessary for us to be with him. Okay maybe I can see that and understand that but as soon as I returned home there was a letter in the mail from DHS saying if she had one more absence (excused or unexcused) The local Sheriff's department would be at my house. SERIOUSLY!!! Every absence my child has she had a doctors note or she had my husbands orders (because yes they needed proof of that too). But even with all of that I still got the letter. My husband also was limited on his vacation days because of where he worked and his seniority there. The only days he had available were the first two weeks of school. Of course I could not pull my daughter out of school the first two weeks of school. My husband looked at me and said "well if we home schooled we wouldn't have this problem". And thus the decision was made. Call me selfish, call me whatever you want but having the freedom of going on vacation whenever we are able to and changing our "weekend" to daddy's days off. I also like having the option as a parent to control what my children are being taught and HOW they are being taught. Even more now so since they have started implementing Common Core.. what a joke. Little things that we took advantage of growing up they are taking out of school. You want to know why generations growing up today are Godless, schools have taken the Bible and prayer out of school for fear of offend someone else. You want to know why generations these days have less patriotism these days, They are trying to take the pledge, and our flags out of schools again for fear they would offend someone. I have chosen a Christian based curriculum and tomorrow I will explain why I chose this particular curriculum and what I have tweaked to make it work for our family. Please do not get me wrong. Some parents are not lead or have the desire to home school and that does not make you less of a parent than me. These are choices we have made for our family just as many other makes choices for their family that I would not do for mine. But I do not judge. You are their parent! YOU know what is best for your family and YOUR child. God has lead my family to this road and we are enjoying this time in our lives! Some days are a struggle but most days its a breeze! I hope all of you have a blessed day and THANK YOU for being a part of my journey! =)
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