We can all learn alot from little children.. they forgive and forget quickly, they do not hold grudges, they are honest, but most of all the greatest thing we can learn from our precious children is how to love. They love A LOT, they love everyone, and they love hard. Its so hard for us as adults to love one another we always find some reason to not love someone fully either because you do not approve of their lifestyle or they have hurt you and you cant let it go. I shared a story in my bible study this past week as were talking about loving one another as Christ loves each and every one of us about my adorable little 2 (tomorrow OMG) year old. We were having brunch with my mom and she greeted everyone as they walked in and as we walked in. Hello! Hi! *wave*. As we went to leave and walk out the door Buttercup said "bye" and waved and she got a unanimous "bye" from those who were there and she said "I love you!" Just as freely as could be and she had no reason not to love these strangers. They had not hurt her or were not hurting her. I believe she sincerely loves EVERYONE! What if.. we ALL loved each other as much as she loves? What an amazing planet this would be. Of course we are human and there are things in our minds and our hearts we are unable to let go (of this I am guilty of too) and its so hard to love the people we think are "unlovable". In the right margin of my blog there are some rules and regulations to live by. A foundation on what we as CHILDREN of God would have us live off of them. I cannot list ALL of them but there is a book you can read as guidelines for life. If you so choose to walk that path. Of course if you do not know what I am talking about I am talking about the Bible. Please do not think my intentions are to get on here and blog your brains out and "preach" to you but I am just simply sharing my thoughts on things and my testimony on the amazing things God can do if you trust in him. Two of the things that stand out in my mind that are AMAZING works of God is this day...

My husband and his unit (minus two) returned safely home to their families. Many soldiers are returning home to their families and what amazing work that is. Imagine if God just said well I am going to let you all handle it. We would all be in trouble. Another story is an amazing little boy that I have the amazing pleasure of knowing.
Dear sweet Tony!! I love this boy with all my heart. He has such imaginable strength and courage and so does his family. As a mother I cannot imagine having a child with a disability... I do not like this word because let me tell you this precious little boy does not act by any means disabled. Still my heart melts when I see him and hey said "Hey Ms. Jennifer". One day I hope to post their story. His mother has written an amazing story about both of their struggles and trials and even successes in his life. This precious little face has what you call Moebius Syndrome which you can read about
HERE!! But when I first met Tony he had a feeding tube in could not walk and could say very few words. Now here he is in his karate photo standing and talking and walking like nothing is holding him back. How amazing. God has given doctors and therapists the knowledge to help this little man, given him and his family and friends the strength to not give up. What an amazing little boy.. back to my title.. his mommy posted this on her facebook a little bit ago and I wanted to share because its so precious how innocent our children are...
"Tony's innocence showed this morning at WH on GA ave. Man walks in with a long white beard and Tony immediately asks, 'Are you God?!' Really, really loud! Haha. Didnt even go for Santa first which would be most kids, he went for God, such innocence. Love it :-)" So cute!! I love that family so much! Anyways! I just wanted to share some thoughts going through my head today! Hope you all have a great day! Tomorrow is Firday for all you workers!! Almost the weekend!! Hope yall have a great evening. Im off to my inlaws for some yummy food and togetherness!
:'-) Thank you Jennifer this is a great one and you are a great friend. Love you always and forever woman!
PS. I wanna know if we get free "Fir's" on Firday :-P HUGS AND SUGARS!!!
Website is www.manyfacesofmoebiussyndrome.com :-)
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