A surprise Christmas present from my bestist friend/sis and her hubby totally turned my semi bahumbug and sad spirits around. It was hard taking in all the pups then letting them all go. I had puppy fever. BAD!!! But when the day came to let them all go back to their mamas house I was pleasantly surprised when i was told one of the pups was mine to actually keep! My favorite one too!!! :-) Isnt my bestist the greatest! :-) So here she is newest addition to out little family Blondie Bella. And no Bella is NOT from Twilight my husband named her and he hates that movie! So now we have Boon and Bella! Yay! Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas! Mine has already been amazing. My family is together this Christmas! Looking forward to 2012! Big things a comin! Yay!

1 comment:
what great pictures! My kids want what you have!
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