Thursday, January 12, 2012
I love the sound....
of no kids screaming but love hearing my brother and husband yelling at the TV while playing Call of Duty MW3! How weird is that? Anyways, seriously I have been Slacking super bad!!! With church stuff picking back up and the holidays are over I think I am running and doing more than I did during the holidays. Kids are back in school which I am soooo grateful for!! =) Mama needed a lil quiet time.. When you have three kids and then you are down to one thats a QUIET time! My brother and sister and nephew are in town and I am super stoked to have them here! We have been having a blast. Tomorrow a girls night.. Much needed, overdue, girls ONLY, no kids mamas night out! Dinner and something planned who knows but no drinking and dancing. One, I have quit drinking and the dancing well... considering 3 of the 6 women who will be there are pregnant probably not a good idea which helps me on the no drinking thing. Of course my sis in law says FINALLY a chance where I am not pregnant and have an auto DD I decide to quit drinking. LMBO! Its all good.. I love my girls and we can have a blast without being under the influence of alcohol! I am proud to say that my husband has also quit drinking. YAY FOR US!! The best way to have a good impact on your childrens future is to be a good role model. Its a new year so new things are gonna start happening. Hoping hubby gets an awesome job that he has interviewed for, I got a job offer to be a preschool teacher at a private preschool and more church stuff. I am hoping to get more involved in the goings on of our church. Why be a part of something when you do not know the inner workings of it right? I am back onto my bible studies. Gripped by the Greatness of God. Oh yeah! I love James MacDonalds bible studies. I did one in the fall and I was so convicted and my life changed dramatically. Family life? It has been great. Hubbs is still working on getting things officiallized and taken care of with the VA, my school aged kids are trying to get back into the swing of things and the learning, and my youngest well she is enjoying having the house to herself. Boon and Bella are adapting to each other. He tends to be a little rough as most dads are with their girls when they are playing around but i think at the end of the day they are VERY happy to have each other. My nephew turned one last Saturday and I am proud Auntie to say that they will be having his birthday party at my house this weekend! YAY! I am so glad I still get to be a part of that lil mans life. There was some question as to if some people were going to attend because it is at my home but I am praying God will allow them to be here for my brother and his family on this very special day in light of the differences people may or may not have with me. I am not an intentional cruel person and I mean well... sometimes I get in my feelings but hey were all human. So I will leave you with some pics.. not much.. most of the time I get caught up enjoying the moments than snapping photos of them (which I should because I love it). I hope everyone has had a wonderful week so far and again I promise I will do better blogging! =)
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