Tuesday, December 16, 2014
I Can't Think!
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Its the Little Things!!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Football Mom
I am a proud mom to an awesome son who is now a football player. Yes he is 6 and yes it is contact football. I know some people are concerned and for good reason but I am writing this little blog to reassure those who are worried. I agree that throwing a child into full contact football is dangerous.. as I have learned letting your child play on the playground is dangerous as well too. My sweet 3 year old got ran over by a bigger kid who did not see her and she got a concussion when she smacked her little head on the concrete. The reassurance I can give to those friends and family who are concerned is that we have truly lucked out with Beast's (He says that is his new nickname) team and coaches. They are very focused on fundamentals. learning the plays and making sure these boys are stretching correctly, warming up efficiently, blocking correctly, and teaching them why learning the correct way to do these things keeps them safe and allows better efficiency. The common sense ones are making sure these boys have a time to take a breather and get some hydration and they do. Most of the boo boos (and I call them boo boos because they are not technically injuries) are from running into each other and hitting elbows, accidentally stepping on someones hand, and in many cases not paying attention which I might add they could do playing without pads on a playground. This game, if taught and enforced by the PARENTS correctly, can enforce self control, confidence, focus, and teamwork. I have to brag a little bit... Our team has gone undefeated because of the fundamental focus. So this is not a blog to discredit necessary concern because when it comes to children their safety to should be a concern on the forefront of every parents mind. This blog is to reassure you all that we are fully aware of the concerns and we appreciate them and that he is being taken very good care of.. If you did not care you would not be concerned. =) We love you all and thank you all so much for your unfailing support and encouragement.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Good Morning
Well hubbs had to work early today so naturally I woke up when he got up and now I can not get back to sleep. So here I am sitting in bed watching the news with my headphones in (because my 6 year old crawled in the bed sometime last night) and blogging on my phone. Again. Gotta admit watching the news first thing in the morning may not be the best start to someone's day. It's all bad news these days isn't it? Sigh.. course at 5 am there's really nothing else on TV other than cartoons. So.. news it is. Desperately wanting a nice big cup of coffee but I don't drink coffee anymore. Anyways. Today is one of those days where you don't wanna get out if bed. Kind of let my duties get a little piled up (which I normally don't do). Busy busy. School, football practice, bible study, daily duties just been busy. No time to sit. Of course that's the life of a mommy and wife right. Don't be mistaken I truly love what I do and feel extremely blessed. Gotta find some time today to get some things done here and there and get my walk in. I want to get healthy enough to start running again. Struggle Ruth ah in splints but I got some shoe inserts that will hopefully help out with that. =) Watching my son sleep it just fills my heart with hoy and sadness to see that they are growing up so fast. I mean my BABY is about to be 5... you blink and all of a sudden your babies are turning into little people. My 9 year old Is literally 9 going on 19. She is so grown. Well this is all the ramblings I have going on today. I hope everyone has a blessed day. Remember to smile. A simple smile is an act of kindness that can completely change someone's day!! God bless you all!
Sunday, September 14, 2014
So it has been a few weeks since I blogged last and since school has started and I have to admit. It has been going pretty smooth. My 9 year old is not wanting to read on her own but I have gotten a lot of encouragement and tips to get through this. My littlest missed the kindergarten cutoff by a couple of weeks but after praying about it and doing some serious thinking I decided to start her on kindergarten work. She is breezing right through it. The good thing is I can take is slow with her if she starts struggling. My son is doing fantastic. We have put him in full contact football. At first he was struggling with hitting and getting more confident in it. Partly because he has been the biggest kid in his age group we have encouraged him not to hit. But now that he is picking up on it he's a beast! I am awful with blogging and keeping up with it but I am going to try.... again...... lol. Life is great right now. Back into Bible Study. Another Beth Moore one so those are always fantastic. It's late now so I will update more tomorrow when I'm not blogging on my phone. Hope everyone has had a great day and all sleep well!!!
Saturday, August 16, 2014
2 Days till Day 1!
Friday, June 6, 2014
So once again I have started eating right. I can not say dieting because well... I'm not. I'm just trying to get healthier and be more active. I have some health reasons why I am starting this now. Well I started a week ago and I have to say I already feel great. More energy, better mood, and I am not quite as lazy I had been. I know its only been a week but when you fuel your body with something other than junk it definitely responds in an appreciative manner. What is making it easier this time than the times before..... well my husband has joined me on this journey to be a healthier us. There is so much we want to do with our kids still and they are still young and well lets face it when you are out of shape walking around all day at the beach or the water park or an amusement park is not any fun. Not to mention being comfortable enough to wear shorts and a tank top when its over 100 degrees outside will be a lot better than trekking around in pants and a t shirt (or a black t shirt in my case because well that's what I like to wear). Like I said earlier its only been a week but I can already feel a difference. Now to start exercising.... YAY! Got a mix between Zumba and p90x. Gonna make it a point that when I check my mail I walk and not drive. My mail box is about 1/4 of a mile from my house! =D Well that is all for today. This summer will be fun and fabulous! I can not wait. So much going on these next couple of months! I hope everyone has a GREAT day!!!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
P90X and a Diet!
Monday, May 19, 2014
Dinner for Lunch
God bless you all!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Moms Vs. Moms
On a side note if you would like to be a guest blogger let me know. Men and women alike.
Have a blessed day!
Friday, May 16, 2014
Something Clever!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
I am a Mommy Blogger!
Friday, January 17, 2014
Balance & Peace
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Sleepless AGAIN!
Monday, January 6, 2014
A Little of This and a Little of That...
OK so here is day one of one of my "resolutions" is to blog more. On a daily basis... As you can see I have already missed 6 days of blogging... ALREADY.. So I guess you could say I got off to a rocky start. So here goes. There are actually many things I want to blog about... Just have to get my thoughts in order. Might start utilizing my Blog Planner. Im big for making lists and planners and things I just usually do not stick to them. Terrible isn't it? With three kids you would think I would organize and stick to it. NOT! My three kids and husband is probably the reason I DO NOT stick to it. So if you are reading this and it has been a day since I have blogged feel free to kindly remind me. As with New Years there is always a time for you to restart and work on yourself. I have some medical issues that I am addressing and in order to do that I am having to make a serious lifestyle change. I mean really, when is a lifestyle change NOT serious? Especially when it comes to something that you have done for a while and it is time to change it? But, If I want to be on this planet and HEALTHY for my children as they grow up and get older I need to get on it. Well Bible Study is starting back up and might I say I am SO ready for it. Nothing like getting your Spiritual butt handed to you each week. It helps though that with the move I have found a wonderful church to go to with a phenomenal group of women to worship and fellowship with. I was so worried that no church would ever amount to the one I left back home but God showed up and showed off and placed me in a church that is just as wonderful as the last. God has blessed me so much, its time to start showing him I appreciate his love. Lord knows I do I just do not show it like I should. Today is such a bitter sweet day for me. And I do not know how much I can blog into it but today 9 years ago I lost my first baby sister. You can see pics and read my blog on her before Here and on my Grandmothers website she made for Carly Here. It was a difficult time in my life as I had just found out I was pregnant and the next day I turn around and bury my 3 month old sister that I have wanted all my life. Many thought I would be jealous of her being I was the only girl but when I walked into the NICU and seen her precious little face... I have to admit... being my first baby sister she was my favorite out of the twins. I love them the same but there is just something about a baby sister. I fell in love.. Looking back I was so hurt but the pain in my heart is nothing compared to what my dad and step mom went through. I cannot even begin nor want to begin to imagine. I just pray that the hurt eases as time passes knowing that on this day as Carly is looking down at us God is snuggling her in his arms saying "No worries my precious child, they will all be ok and one day they will get to hold you in their arms like I am now." 6 years to the day after my sister passed my first biological nephew was born. Oh sweet Michael. He is just too sweet. Now you all know that as a proud Aunt I wrote a blog about him too! So you can read about that Here! We also live with him so you will probably read about him quite frequently. His maternal grandparents are in town so he is out and about with them but we will celebrate with him later! I will get into more detail about things later on to give me some blog post ideas. Thanks everyone for taking the time to read my blog. Your feedback, comments and time are deeply appreciated! I hope you all stay warm and have a blessed day!