Monday, February 27, 2012

Before 9am

Been slacking something bad again... I cant help it.. Life is crazy sometimes ya know. When hubby love is home I spend alot of time with him and been spending some time playing with my kids and on my game with my brothers. I have some movie reviews and a book series review that is long overdue. First off.. the song playin is by Taylor Swift.. NOT crazy about her music but this song suits her and her voice... I actually LIKE it.. Who would have thought. Before I do my reviews I have to say... its amazing what you learn before 9 am in the mornings sometimes... especially from your children.

No matter how late he is... Its VERY important to him that my husband kisses me goodbye before he leaves...

Breakfast IS important!

ITs ok to sleep in a little and if your a few minutes behind in the mornings.

Be brave no matter how little you are in this big ol world!

Its OK to cry over spilled milk... or in this case Cheerios instead of Lucky Charms

That Some things NEVER end....

My bed will ALWAYS look like this no matter how many times I make it up during the day!

Its ok to catch a catnap when you can!
So many things we can learn in the morning if we just take the time to let it sink in. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 31

Okay so today is the last day of my photo challenge and I hope you enjoyed all the pics.

Day 31 {Me Again}

I know its a far fetch but I would love to look like this again at the end of the year. With alot of hard work I know I can do it... I just gotta find the motivation to do so.....
Well I hope yall have a great day!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

This is Bad....

I got a week behind in my photography photo challenge.... How sad?? Been reading a book that I am really liking. I will write something about the series later on but right now its my second to last post on my photography photo challenge.

Day 25 {Something I Made}

My first REAL paycheck in 3 years!! I love being a Stay at home mom but that felt good! :D
Day 26 {Colour}

The color is what caught my eye while lookin for new shoes!
Day 27 {Lunch}

Leftover Popeyes Chicken!! NOM NOM!!
Day 28 {Light}

Smelly Candle thing my bestist friend got me!! I love it!!
Day 29 {Inside my Fridge}

All the Neccesities!
Day 30 {Nature}

Flowers just because from my hubby!!! Only thing "NATURE"istic in my house!! =)
Only one more day left in this photography challenge... Hope yall have enjoyed it so far! I am sorry I have been slacking on it!! Anyways! Yall have a GREAT weekend!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Photography Challenge Day 23 & 24

Okay so I am only a day behind today!! YAY!! Decided to take a break from my MASS cleaning and catch it back up. Tomorrow is gonna be a fun day. My entire Sunday school class with be coming to my house to have a chili cookoff and watch the Superbowl. My pick is the Patriots since the packers didnt make it and hubby is pulling for the Giants! Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Saturday!

Day 23 {Something Old}

My stepdad and I plundered thorough an old house in Valdosta a long time ago maybe about 15 plus years ago and came across this newspaper!

It may not have any value to it but its a good thing I hung onto it for this photo challenge!! =) This paper is overf 50 years old.. I mean its not OLD but its the oldest thing I think I have!
Also the song playin is the #1 song on the same date as the paper!!!

Day 24 {Guilty Pleasure}

These have been my guilty pleasure since I got pregnant with my son... Now I eat them and ususally during my time with my next guilty pleasure...

Thank you Nick, Mom and Ashlee for making this one of my other guilty pleasures! Between my AWESOME computer and HUGE monitor and being able to play with my family I love this game! I cannot wait for the kids to go to bed some nights to play my game. I love it.

But.. lately since I have been sick and just been laying around not feeling like sitting at my computer for hours at a time on my game I have started a new book series. So far so good.. have a hard time putting it down.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Photo Challenge Day 20, 21, & 22

Again Another catching up!!! Hopefully I will be able to do it day by day so im not desperately trying to get pics before the day ends!

Day 20 {Someone I Love}

Its such a shame I can only add one but other than GOD its pretty obvious who it would be.

My husband is someone I love very much.
Day 21 {My Reflection}

Its a yucky shot but its me. Mind you I have been trying to fight off some kinda bug... This is me... and most of the time I have a camera in my hand.
Day 22 {Your Shoes}

My shoes and I have many miles on them. Got each other through the grueling process of losing weight while James was deployed.

Yes they have two different color shoestrings, yes they have been chewed on by the dog. I love them VERY VERY much but I am really missin my flip flops these days!