Saturday, February 4, 2012

Photography Challenge Day 23 & 24

Okay so I am only a day behind today!! YAY!! Decided to take a break from my MASS cleaning and catch it back up. Tomorrow is gonna be a fun day. My entire Sunday school class with be coming to my house to have a chili cookoff and watch the Superbowl. My pick is the Patriots since the packers didnt make it and hubby is pulling for the Giants! Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Saturday!

Day 23 {Something Old}

My stepdad and I plundered thorough an old house in Valdosta a long time ago maybe about 15 plus years ago and came across this newspaper!

It may not have any value to it but its a good thing I hung onto it for this photo challenge!! =) This paper is overf 50 years old.. I mean its not OLD but its the oldest thing I think I have!
Also the song playin is the #1 song on the same date as the paper!!!

Day 24 {Guilty Pleasure}

These have been my guilty pleasure since I got pregnant with my son... Now I eat them and ususally during my time with my next guilty pleasure...

Thank you Nick, Mom and Ashlee for making this one of my other guilty pleasures! Between my AWESOME computer and HUGE monitor and being able to play with my family I love this game! I cannot wait for the kids to go to bed some nights to play my game. I love it.

But.. lately since I have been sick and just been laying around not feeling like sitting at my computer for hours at a time on my game I have started a new book series. So far so good.. have a hard time putting it down.

1 comment:

momto8 said...

my husband got the pick too!
I ate so much chill on Sunday at a party I don't want to think about that food for another yr! the old newspapers are neat, huh?!