Monday, March 4, 2013

Busy Month and "The Bible"

As I sit here and stare at my March calendar I can not help but to think how busy I am going to be this month. Its crazy. Have an out of town trip planned to visit my brother and a retreat this weekend and some Thirty-One parties lined up not to mention some super fun events with my church that I am definitely looking forward to. None the less I feel like it is going to be a great month. We have taken our taxes and done what we had planned with them and I am so excited to say that we have no more credit cards and we actually have a nice sum of money in our savings account! CHA CHING! Can not beat that. Had a wonderful day at church. I always get my socks blessed off when I go.

Came home and watched the new mini series on the History channel called "The Bible".Bear in mind these are my thoughts and opinions. If you have not seen it yet or read the Bible there are spoilers. I am pleased to say that I think it went well. Other than a little nit picky things it seemed to stay on scripture. Many complained that it was not word for word by the Bible but if they did that I mean how long do you think this mini series would take. Probably as long as it took to actually happen, thousands of years maybe? I seen someone complain that Noah had an Irish accent, and one of the angels was an Asian ninja, silly things like that. There were a few inaccuracies like the lamb showing up when Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac instead of the ram, Moses did not remove his sandals when he stepped on Holy Ground, Many folks were looking for Charlton Heston (He played in the Ten Commandments) to show up when they showed the parts about the Exodus. We all have to remember that these are another persons point of view of these events and they may or may not coincide with what we may have "thought" it was like. The only way to really know what it was like and what happened is to read the actual book first. The Bible. That I can assure you is accurate within every minute detail and you even find out what happens at the end of the story. Might I say the ending is the best part. =) I am however, like many, curious to see how the Gospel is presented. I am looking forward and praying it will be presented just like it is in the Bible. What I was impressed with was Abrahams faith in God, willing to sacrifice his own son. God is so wonderful. No one has had to actually sacrifice their own son in place of our sins except God himself. He sacrificed his OWN son in place of ours. Blessed Redeemer! I am looking forward to the episodes to come. So I will leave you with my favorite rendition and collaboration of this song! I get goosebumps each time I watch it. I pray that this mini series is a blessing to each and every one of us who have read the actual script/book and encourage those who have not to read it themselves. Let me tell you it is worth it. And P.S. The Victor in the end.. well I am pleased to say I am on the winning team! God Bless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just wanted to let you know that I am reading your blog..... :-)