Sunday, May 18, 2014

Moms Vs. Moms

For so many years moms have been compared. Different kinds of moms and who does it better or who does it worse. Contrary to popular belief ALL moms (Who are doing what they do in the best interest of their children) are doing everything they can. Many say moms who home school and stay at home are not contributing to society and moms who work are not contributing enough to their children. Where is the happy median. Everyone is different. Some circumstances are beyond our control. Many moms who work don't CHOOSE to they HAVE to, to provide for their family. To say they are less of a mom than a mom who doesn't work would be wrong. In my honest opinion, a stay at home mom, a single mom, a working mom all have the same interest at heart. Loving their children and providing them the best that they can with the situations presented before them. Who are we to say which mom does it better or which mom loves her kids more. I can assure you that working moms love their kids as much as stay at home moms. I have been both. I have worked and I have stayed home. Both of which I loved. Mind you sometimes I miss working but not as much as I know I will miss my kiddos. I am so sick of the cliche of this mom vs. mom thing. Its ridiculous. A mothers love is not to be questioned unless a child is being neglected or hurt. So please, DO NOT compare apples to oranges. Every mom makes sacrifices for their children. One is not more important than the other it is just different. Love all moms equally. Remember to tell them what a great job they are doing regardless of work or staying home. Hug them. Being a mom is not an easy task. God bless all mommies in all walks of life! You may not know it now but one day this hard work will be appreciated.

On a side note if you would like to be a guest blogger let me know. Men and women alike.
Have a blessed day!

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