Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week 2

Week 2: My Favorite Things

So my sister in law and I had this discussion the other day. She is totally obsessed with butterflies! So when I asked her what I was obsessed with she said anything that is black, black pants, black shirts. black shoes, black cars... But there are some things that are my favorite . BOOKS! I love books. I have a gazillion books!! I have not read half of them but I will!! One day I WILL!!!

Another one of my favorite things since I was younger is Eeyore! I just love him. He is so sad its sooooo cute!!!

Printables!!! I have a ton of printables!!! I especially love the ones from Hellocuteness.com I just adore all of her cuteness! Shes so creative! I buy her calendars every year. Have for the last 3 years! LOVE THEM! 

Pink! Yeah I know... pink... really.. but I LOVE LOVE LOVE writing in pink ink. I grade papers in pink! Red.. its just so harsh!! These are my all time favorite pens!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I could post pictures off my books! I love you!