Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Its ALL about MEEE!!!

Okay so it isnt ALLLLL about ME! Well ok maybe not all the time. But its time for an update. Saturday I got have a little me time so I got my hair cut and highlighted, my nails done and my eye brows waxed. It was nice to have a break and not have to worry about running after my children! :D Went on to have dinner with the in laws. Sunday Itook the kiddos to the park with one of my Army besties. It was fun. Then we went and had dinner at Applebees. Its always fun hanging out with her! She keeps me and my antagonistic ways in check! Well that night Buttercup was sick! Poor little peanut.. she gets sick without crying or telling mommy. If it weren't for my son waking me up I would have never known! Bless her heart. Normal day yesterday except my gym time was cut in half because Allie still wasnt back to 100% and the girls knew she wasnt herself.. I love going to the Y I go to, The girls are great have gotten to know my kiddos and know when things are not right with them. So home to do my normal routine. Get up this morning things are great kids are good. Get em off to school then onto the gym. I get a phone call halfway through my workout and its Bubbas teacher.. He is sick! I run pick him up and bring him home to care for him.. sigh! My poor babies.. I really hope its a 24 hour tummy bug and it skips me and my daughter.. ugh! I can handle my babies being sick but ME being sick is a no go since I dont have anyone readily available to take care of me and the kiddos when we are sick!! Gotta be a STRONG mommy! Anyways so I FINALLY got my suprise from my hubby! I sent him a suprise which was the G-shock watch that he wanted so he felt the need to suprise me back!! Silly boy! I knew it was not jewelry (which would be nice) but he wont give that to me unless he gives it to me in person (Which is AWESOME)! Anyways so I get a knock on the door and it was it. I was skyping with my hubbs so he video called me to watch me open it. It is a 4 foot puppy dog (Golden Retriever my fav)! OMG I love it!! Such a suprise because I had NOOOO idea what it was! =D BIG BIG smiles on my face!! Oh yeah and he also let me order the Zumba cds I wanted!! So on top of my workout at the gym I will be doing that too! I just not sure when yet! =P So much fun stuff.. in two weeks I am going to the Gatornationals with my brother then 2 weeks after that is my lil mans birthday and then sometime after that in April is my babys R&R! I still dont know the exact date because well ya know military is all hush hush! HEHE! SO now I shall leave you with pics from my past few days! Sorry so late with an update post! Sometimes Im good about updating and sometimes Im a slacker! PLEASE forgive me! HAHA!!

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