Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pictures & Sex

Okay so a friend of mine posted a blog about her and her love, and its been on my mind for a while. James and I dont have hardly ANY pictures of me and him. Its kinda depressing! I mean I can only change my fb profile picture so many times ya know. But she wrote a blog about all her Tissy (kissy) pictures of her and her man which you can read about Here! And im like hmmmm... Im definitly going to be taking care of that when he comes home. LoL! For one its hard to be IN the pictures when you are the photographer and its ANOTHER when you have 3 beautiful children who LOOOVE to have their picture taken!! What a bunch of HAMS they are. So yeah!! Thats one of the things that we WILL be doing.. Sheesh. Anyways so a person who had an issue with me tried to make amends and unfortunatly Im not willing to do so. I let a friend of mine read the whole converstaion to make sure I wasnt ugly at all or antagonisic (ok maybe I was a little) and she said I handled it very maturely , I was not ugly and I made my point. YAY!!! Whew!! I mean I dont wanna be ugly but Im not gonna tolerate people thinking one min they can treat me like poo and then be my best friend in the next minute pass. Ive still continued my workouts and dieting... still havent seen any physical results but hopefully soon!! Im gonna just try and push through this BLAGH feeling right now.. I mean I FEEL better but dont think I LOOK better. If that makes sense...  Okay now onto the second part of my entry title. LoL! SEX!! Oh we ALLLL love to talk about sex. James and I have an amazing sex life.. IDK if its him or me or both.. if you ask him its me if you ask me its him so we will just say its both of us. People sometimes have the misconception that once you get married and have kids your sex life goes down the drain. That its practically non existant... ummm I am not sure where they are getting these ideas but when James and I had our son it got better, then when we had Allison it got EVEN BETTER! Yeah Im sure some of you dont wanna hear about all of this but im telling you its true.. YOUR sex life is what YOU make it. You MAKE time for that person. You make time for your intimacy, it isnt just gonna fall in your lap haha! When you have kids, put them on a schedule. My kids go to bed at 7pm, 8pm at the latest so James and I have OUR time. When he left, nothing changed. I kept them on the schedule I have worked so hard to get them on. (Thanks to my mom! She wanted me to stay somewhat sane so she suggested it). Now that James has been gone a while Im kinda anxious. Just thinking about it gives me butterflies, nauseous!! HAHA! The anticipation of the day he comes home and the thought of how AMAZING it was has me super excited to see how our intimate relationship will be when he comes home!! Probably GREAT! They say not to rush intimacy, im not gonna rush it but im not gonna pretend it doesnt exist and we both dont WANT it! Cuz Im pretty sure I know we do. :oP But people when you get married and have kids dont EVER think your sex life has to SUCK! You might have to work a lil harder to find time and places to do it but that makes it exciting!! Anyways! Well that is all for today!! HAHAH! Sorry for such an intimate blog! Hope yall have a GREAT day!!

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