Monday, January 31, 2011

Just What I Needed!

Okay I am not a big believer in horoscopes they are so general and can easily apply to anyones lifestyle.  Lately I have been having issues with my weight loss.. I have been working out and dieting to the point where I wanna scream and run away with a bag of Oreo cookies and a gallon of milk hide in a corner and stuff my face! Obviously I havent done that but still Im getting pretty discouraged. I look in the mirror and its the same person from a month ago when I started this whole diet and excersize deal. FRUSTRATED!! REALLY FRUSTRATED!! The scale hasnt moved, I dont look different, my clothes feel the same, the only thing is my wedding ring is loose now.. fits like a ring on my finger and not like a corset. LoL So Anyways back to the horoscope thing, I was laying my son down for his nap and I decided to read it. 

"Taurus Jan 31 2011 Change doesn't always come easy, Taurus. In nature, it can take decades to change the course of a river, and hundreds of years to change the shape of a rock. What you would like to change about yourself won't necessarily take an extraordinarily long time, but it will take some time, and it will also take courage. But the change you aspire to now is certainly worth the investment of time and energy. And if you are determined, you will be surprised how quickly you can make noteworthy progress."
Something I really needed to hear. LoL! THANKS HOROSCOPE PERSON! So there, someone, somewhere was telling me to BE PATIENT and keep staying determined and working at it and soon it will happen. So Im gonna post a couple pics to let YOU guys see if theres a difference. Sigh... I dont SEE it but thats probably because I look at myself EVERY day! Hope yall have a nice night!!! Thanks for Readin!
December 19th

January 22

1 comment:

Mrs. Monkey said...

Well your face definitely looks thinner. Keep it up! You and your horoscope are right. It takes patience and persistence.

I have found that the best kind of exercise is something that is fun so that you will want to stick with it and it isn't a chore. If you've seen my blog you'll know that I like dancing and kickboxing. It's gotten me into the best shape ever after being overweight for most of my life. If you need any tips let me know, i'm full of them! Good luck! You can do it!